Tuesday 4 September 2012

There's an old story which goes something like this

A man constantly prays to God for more energy, days go by, and then weeks, and yet still he has no more energy. Eventually years go by and at the end of his life when he meets God he ask " why did you not give me more energy? " to which God replies "you fool, I was constantly giving you energy, but you kept leaking it"

That's kind of how I have been feeling lately. Very flat, lacking in energy, motivation, tired, withdrawn and just getting by.

This might come as a surprise to people who know me, but let me explain.

It all started a few months ago when Dylan was born, with an extra child comes extra responsibility which means working harder both at work and home. So a typical day for me could mean getting up at 5am to train clients at 6, working right through till 7 or 8pm, come home and put Lennie to bed, make myself some tea, wash the pots, and then crash out about 9pm to finally spend some time with my wife who has a much rougher deal than me, having had no adult company all day, and constantly feeding Dylan whilst dealing with the demands of the kids.

Night times have been OK, but I have had a little interruption to my sleep with the kids waking up.

Weekends are a blur of trying to get jobs done, keep the house tidy and do something with the family.

It reached a critical point 2 weeks ago when I realized I just needed to take a day off work to go home and recuperate.

Needless to say that during this time my health has not been as on form as it usually is, I still eat well 80% of the time, but most weekends when me and Mel finally get a meal together we usually get a take out, and then I have been enjoying a few beers most Friday and Saturday nights.

The upshot of this is that my belly is looking a little flabby, not a great look for a personal trainer.

I've still been working out 3 times a week but this has just been keeping me in shape rather than making big progress.

So now, after having got back from a lovely break in North Yorkshire with the family, I have put a lot of thought into getting myself back into great shape, and most off all getting myself super energized to help me tackle the demands of my life.

There is going to be a lot of things I am doing as part of this, I am tackling it from a spiritual, nutritional, physical  relationship and environmental perspective.

There are way too many things for me to highlight here, but if you want to keep up with my progress then subscribe to this blog and I will let you know all about it, including all the ways in which I help myself to get more energized, and hopefully you may even pick up a few ideas to help improve your energy levels.

To kick start the plan I am going through a three day fast, that means three days without any food. My next blog will detail how I get on with this and why I am doing it.

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