Friday 7 September 2012

How I Get My Super Energy!!!!

Ok, I am already kind of breaking one of my rules by writing this at 11.10pm on a Friday night, especially as I have already written another article tonight.

But truth is I'm on kind of a high right now, feeling very energetic and motivated, and whilst I feel like that I probably wont sleep anyway.

Motivation doesn't last, but then as Zig Zagler says, neither does taking a bath, that's why you have to do it often. So whilst I am feeling motivated, I am going to ride that wave!!!

 Let me tell you a little about today, and why I feel so good.

Got up at 5 am, I had a client at 6,for breakfast I made a Banana omelette with 5 eggs, some cinnamon, fresh lemon juice and organic Greek yoghurt.  It's great to be eating again! after fasting I feel very grateful for the food, and am able to stick to a healthy plan pretty much effortlessly.

For lunch I ate a tin of wild salmon, with cucumbers, watercress, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and for tea I ate gluten free sausages, with sweet potatoes and carrot mash with grilled apples.

I also worked out three times today, went for a great 3 mile run with my 19 year old female client ( tried to look cool and not too much like an old man at the same time) then I did 100 press ups and squats with a 10kg vest, then at night I did an arms workout that left me with the Guns of Navarone.

Today I also met with the totally awesome personal trainer Dan Norman from Beverly, he's a corrective exercise specialist and life coach and if you are in pain at any level then I strongly suggest you check him out.

We talked shop and banded a few ideas around and afterwards I felt super charged, it was great!

Most important we had an honest conversation about some of the challenges we face, and about the things we love most about our jobs.

When I got home there where two quite damaging things that could have bought me down, the first was a letter saying I haven't paid a big bill, and the 2nd was some very sad news, not about anyone I know but about a very tragic accident that has happened to somebody local.

I decided to put both of these things in my body safe, I know how crazy that sounds but trust me it works! at least for me anyway!!!

I stood outside, thought of the things, and decided to place them in a box, and imagined myself locking it, knowing that they would be safe in there, and I could open them on Monday and process it then, taking some pro active action.

The sad incident was something that could potentially have bought me down, even though I didn't know the person, my body still has to process this and deal with its reality and the sad reality it had for all the family involved who my heart goes out too. But I also feel its not my grief to share, and right now I want to enjoy me weekend and spend time with family.

Tonight I have been able to put both my kids to bed, have a cuddle with Dylan and Mel and watch a recorded Bletchley Park form last night ( which was brilliant)

There is still tons more to explain, but will keep revealing bits as I go. This weekend I will not be working, checking any emails, or even phone calls or text ( as I never do) and will be spending time with my loved ones. :)

Hope you enjoy your weekend too, especially this great weather. .

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