Thats how I felt last night at 8pm, as I tucked into a well made stead with mushroom sauce and green beans. After going 3 days without eating anything I was ready for this, the last few hours where probably the toughest. Again I heard the voice telling me it was OK to just break it now, I had come so far and done so well so what did it matter, worse yet as 8pm approached Lennie wanted me to go outside and play with him whilst I was cooking. I had been at work most of the day and felt guilty for saying no so I took 5 mins away from cooking my steak to go race him up the street on his scooter.
So now that phase is over what have I gained from it?
Well looking back it really wasn't that hard, I didn't mind most of it and just had a few moments where food was constantly on my mind. I also feel more confident in my ability to show control around food, and am better able to gage my appetite.
Best yet I feel really good, this morning I ate a banana omelette with cinnamon, lemon juice and natural yoghurt so I am now eating a pretty clean diet.
The next stage with Nutrition is now pretty easy, am not being too strict really, have just decided to cut out alcohol, sugar, bread, pasta, processed foods for the reminding 30 days.Oh, and I have decided to just have on cup of coffee a day. This really wont be too much trouble at all, and best of all, this is my plan, which I have chosen, on my own terms, after having tried different plans this is what I feel comfortable and confident with.
So my goal right now is to add some lean mass, to me this has always seemed like a harder challenge than fat loss, even though essentially all it requires is eating a lot more.
For my size and activity levels I actually under eat, so by taking in more frequent and larger meals I should be able to get to a good size, and by doing this on a clean diet I should avoid putting on flab.
This brings me to my exercise plan.
There are certain key elements I always like to have in my program, squatting, dead lifting, bench press, Olympic lifts, running, press ups and pull ups. So I will be training 3 times per week around big compound movements, going heavy ( for me) and in addition I will complete 100 reps of press ups and squats with a 10kg vest on each day. I'll also be going for a steady run each week, and just for fun, am going to take up kick boxing again, have found a local gym and am going to check it out.
I also have a hell of a lot of energy physchological and spiritual exercises I am going to work through, will let you know about them in my upcoming blogs!
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